Friday, May 29, 2009

Boo! >.> Surprised to see me here? To tell you the truth, so am I.

Never'd thought I'd be back here blogging one year after my previous post in the middle of the night at 4.30am with school starting in like... a few hours T_T

Really now, what's the point of me coming back here again ah?

.... Oh yea, to talk to myself. right I kid. I just had nothing to do so I felt like typing away
mindlessly on my keyboard as my stream of thoughts just keep flowing. 

Been reading too much manga nowadays, all them high school love, to the typical action comics.
Lol sorta makes me feel like going back to them high school days and make it something out of it.

I've never taken my CCAs seriously back in high school. Now if only I did, I might actually not regret it unlike now, and I'm did the same thing again. Here in year 3 of my Poly life, joining CCAs that looked like fun and bam. 3months later, I'm missing in action. Pathetic. Giving excuses like, not enough time, focus on studies first, desperately looking for a gf etc... bleh. >.>

Right. Stop. This is not an essay, no point dragging on and on to hit the silly 300/3000/5000 words quota. 

On to pressing matters..... then again, there's none. <.<
Anyways, there's no point in my post so why is anyone even reading this? 
Hurrah, You've survived through what.. 5mins of mindless blanter? Good for you. Now off to bed with you and off to bed with me. =)

p.s this seriously has no meaning, and yet you're still reading this? tsk tsk tsk, bloghoppers nowadays are really free aren't they. Heh, just keeeeding. I really need to get to bed now with only 5 hours of sleep left. No wonder my eye bags never go away T_T

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