Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Hoho, Wang Zai Niu Nai!

My very very favourite milk drink.

Pros: Better than HL,Magnolia,Meiji,Moomoo,Smlj brand out there.

Cons: Too little. T_T

The Cheers near my area used to have alot of this lil beverage in stock until one day,

they decided that people didn't like it and removed it (Blasphemy!)

I was devasteted,

I cried,

I teared,

I emo-ed,

I farted.

I even started having a "negative" outlook on life.

Literally, Negative. >.>

Then alas, when I came back from work today I dropped by cheers hoping

to get my 2for1 Green Tea I saw.....


My Wang Zai Niu Nai was baaaack~!

I became elated,

I was ecastatic,

I swooned,

I went over the moon

and farted. :)

I even had a staring competition with my milk. Don't believe me?

Okay, You can stop laughing now. Seriously.
Or else, I'll jitao slap si ni.

1 comment:

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