Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Righhhtayee, Back from my trip to Kyoto......meh as if. At this point in time, even if i blog i guess it'll be long before anybody reads it right? Since most readers have either gone overseas or are busy with their jobs.

Guess what, O's are over, School's Over and So is the soccer season... i think. Since i don't really watch much soccer. Anyways this is just a random entry i typed while chowing down on instant Myojo i won't lose my mojo. (Right..... no link X_X) Guess this year's holidays.. might be the most eventful since my 4 years in high school. The last 3 years i've been rotting at home during hols. This year, i have a bunch of trusty friends who actually follow me out JUST to see my workplace... haha. Least i've got some company, yea?

Soo... on to today's None of anybody's business post.

Ways to see that you've been spending too much time online.

1st. Whenever something funny happens, you go LOL or l0l or LAWL or l4w1 instead of just really laughing. Likewise, something shocking happens u just go ~d(-..-")b~ wtf

2nd You actually get worked up over something thats been said on MSN, or you believe whatever your chat partner says on msn like.... (Nasemo: Tomorrow wear red arh, i also wearing.) (Mao: Okay lor.) and Mao proceeds to wear red tomorrow when it's the (RED) campaign day aka Aids Day when Nasemo was wearing black.

3rd You'll always be logged in to msn even when your asleep, hoping that someone would nudge you tomorrow at 6.30am to be just in time for school.

4th When you're leaving your group of friends to go home, you just say "I gtg, bb" and you just dissapear leaving your friends with a flabbergasted face.

5th This is for maple-people only. Instead of showing real emotions on your face, you just say out the hotkeys for the emoticons in maple. Like (hahahaha, F5.)

6th Your life revolves around MSN, when nobody's online to chat to you, you'll just get bored and start instant messaging anyone in your contact list to tell them you'r bored. EVEN though you have a phone to call someone up and talk to.

7th You start falling in love with someone over the web whom you've NEVER seen or talk to in real life.

8th You start crying, whining, moaning and swearing when you cannot log on to the internet or msn.

9th You are able to remember everything you read online, but fail to remember what your History teacher just told you a few mins ago.

10th You think sitting at home infront of the pc screen typing away is more fun then actually being outside playing or playing video games.

Now tis the end of my puny wuny little post.

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